You can right-click anywhere on the pages of the result file to display a shortcut menu with the commands described in the following table.

Results report shortcut menu commands



Copy With Headers

Copies the selected rows and the header captions to the Clipboard so that you can paste them into a third-party file application file, such as Excel.


Copies the selected rows to the Clipboard so that you can paste them into a third-party file application, such as Excel.

Clear Selection

Clears all selected items on a page of the result file.

Enable Column Fixing

Moves a column to the leftmost position in the results report and keeps it stable and visible in that position, even when you scroll to the right through the rest of the columns.

Collapse All Column Headers

Reduces the size of the column headers to their original size. Available only if you previously expanded the column headers with the Expand All Column Headers command.

Expand All Column Headers

Expands the size of all column headers on a page of the result file at once so that you can see the labels of the different groups in a distribution map.

Check Selected

Places a check mark next to the selected protein groups, proteins, peptide groups, PSMs, or precursor ions on the appropriate page of the results report.

  • In This Table: Places a check mark next to the selected items on the current page.
  • In This and All Associated Tables: Places a check mark next to the selected items on the current page and all the items associated with them on the table that appears when you click Show Associated Tables.

Check All

Places a check mark next to all the selected protein groups, proteins, peptide groups, PSMs, or precursor ions on the appropriate page of the results report.

  • In This Table: Places a check mark next to all the selected items on the current page.
  • In This and All Associated Tables: Places a check mark next to all the selected items on the current page and all the items associated with them on the table that appears when you click Show Associated Tables.

Uncheck Selected

Removes a check mark next to selected proteins or peptides on the Proteins page.

Uncheck All

Removes a check mark next to the selected protein groups, proteins, peptide groups, PSMs, or precursor ions on the appropriate page of the results report.

  • In This Table: Removes a check mark next to the selected items on the current page.
  • In This and All Associated Tables: Removes a check mark next to the selected items on the current page and all the items associated with them on the table that appears when you click Show Associated Tables.

Remove All Checkmarks in All Tables

Removes all check marks from all tables in the open result file.

Add Tag

Add a tag to the selected row.

Remove Tag

Remove a tag from the selected row.

Set Tags

Add tags to multiple row at the same time. Hold CTRL + click or SHIFT + click to select the rows.

Remove All Tags in All Tables

Removes tags from all of the tables in the open result file.