You can add protein sequences and protein references to a registered FASTA database file. The protein sequence refers to the sequence of amino acids that constitute the protein, and the protein reference refers to the name or reference of the protein.


  1. Select Tools > FASTA Database Utilities.
  2. In the FASTA Database Utilities dialog box, select the Add Protein References tab.
  3. The Add Protein References page of the dialog box opens.
  4. Select the Browse button (...) next to the FASTA File box.
  5. In the Save/Add to FASTA File dialog box, select the FASTA database that you want to add the protein sequence and reference to, and select Save.
  6. In the Enter Description box of the FASTA Database Utilities dialog box, enter a description of the protein sequence that you are adding.
  7. In the Enter Protein Sequence box, enter the protein sequence that you want to add to the FASTA database.
  8. Ensure that the Add Protein References page resembles the following image.
  9. Add Protein References page of the FASTA Database Utilities dialog box
  10. Select Add Entry to add the protein sequence.

For information on the Add Protein References page parameters, see the Compile FASTA Database page Help topic.