You can filter the results of an analysis during processing or afterward in the opened results report.

Special Processing Workflow Nodes and Node Settings

To reduce the number of PSMs stored and to affect the PSM FDR estimation, use the Maximum Delta Cn parameter of the PSM validation nodes (Percolator, Target Decoy PSM Validator, Fixed Value PSM Validator).

For information on these nodes, see the Percolator node, the Target Decoy PSM Validator node, and the Fixed Value PSM Validator node in the Proteome Discoverer Help.

Special Consensus Workflow Nodes and Node Settings

To determine the set of protein groups, proteins, peptide groups, and PSMs displayed in a result file, use the filtering parameters of the following nodes in the consensus workflow:

  • The MSF Files node
  • The Peptide and Protein Filter node
  • The Protein Grouping node

For information on these nodes, see the MSF Files node, the Peptide and Protein Filter node, and the Protein Grouping node in the Proteome Discoverer Help.

Further Information

For information about filtering results on the reports page, see Display filters.