Spectrum recalibration improves feature mapping and the accuracy of database searches.

Special Processing Workflow Nodes and Node Settings

To increase the specificity of your results, use the Spectrum Files RC node (instead of the Spectrum Files node) as the starting node in the processing workflow. This node is included in all processing templates.

The node requires the selection of a FASTA file, and the selection of PTMs, but it does not require a comprehensive search.

The Spectrum Files RC node calculates and then sends recalibrated precursor masses. The Minora Feature Detector, Feature Mapper, and Precursor Ions Quantifier nodes use recalibrated LC/MS peaks, LC/MS features, and quantification spectra.

Special Consensus Workflow Nodes and Node Settings

No special nodes or settings required.

Further Information

The Spectrum Files RC node is included by default in the processing templates.

For information on the Mass Recalibration view, see Display the Mass Recalibration view. For information on the Mass Recalibrations page in the result file, see The Mass Recalibrations page.

For detailed information, see the Spectrum Files RC node in the Proteome Discoverer Help.