When you open the Protein Identification Details view, the Coverage page is selected by default.

You can use the Coverage page to:

  • Display a protein's PTMs
  • Control the display of the probability of a PTM occurring on a site
  • Display UniProt PTM annotations of the protein
Coverage page of the Protein Identification Details view showing multiple modifications on a single amino acid

The left side of the Coverage page displays these features:

  • Options that govern the display of sequence annotations of the given protein. (For a description of these options, see Parameters on the Coverage page of the Protein Identification Details view.)
  • Coverage: Displays the percentage of the protein’s sequence that the search found.
  • Found Modifications: Lists the modifications found in the search. The Sequence page of the Protein Identification Details view shows each modification with a single-letter abbreviation and its name and target amino acids. If the application identified more than one modification for an amino acid—for example, a static and a dynamic N-terminal modification—it stacks the abbreviations vertically above the amino acid.
  • Uniprot PTMs: Displays the modifications found for the protein in the UniProt database if you used the Protein Annotation node in the workflow.
  • PTM Site Probabilities: Displays a legend explaining the color-coding of the localization if PTM site localization scores are available (for more information on these scores, see Sequence Page).

The middle section of the Coverage page contains two pages, Sequence and Modification List. The Sequence page is selected by default.