The Enrichment Chart provides a list of gene ontology terms, pathways, or protein families that are over- or underrepresented for a checked set of entries on the Proteins table. The enrichment chart works with any dataset that includes the Protein Annotation node in the consensus workflow—provided that the target proteome database is well annotated. The application dynamically updates the chart when the list of checked proteins changes.

Typically, you use the Enrichment Chart in conjunction either the Volcano Plot or the Heat Map to determine the biological processes involved with the subset of proteins that are differentially regulated between or across samples.

For more examples of working with the Enrichment Chart, refer to Chapters 1 and 2 of the Proteome Discoverer Familiarization Guide.


  1. Open the result of interest.
  2. Select the Proteins tab.
  3. Select Enrichment Chart in the toolbar, or select View > Enrichment Chart.
  4. Select one or more entries in the Proteins list.