In workflows that include quantification nodes, you can use the Reporter Ions Quantifier node or the Precursor Ions Quantifier node in the consensus workflow to display ratio, standard error, abundances, and count columns as data distribution maps in result reports. These maps show the distribution of values across sample groups and ratios. They can help you visually validate the results of the quantification.
You can also use the Data Distributions node in the consensus workflow to display the Found in Samples, Found in Sample Groups, Found in Files, and Found in Fractions columns in result reports as data distribution maps. These maps show the distribution of values across the available files, samples, and sample groups.
The application combines all values for each generated group of quantification values (ratios, standard errors, abundances, and counts) into one data distribution map. You can see all grouped ratios in relation to the ratios of the individual replicates and the associated variabilities.
For detailed information about the Reporter Ions Quantifier node, refer to the Reporter Ions Quantifier node Help topic. For detailed information about the Precursor Ions Quantifier node, refer to the Precursor Ions Quantifier node Help topic.