When you create a set of custom tags, you can export the tag definitions to a TAGS file or import the tag definitions from a TAGS file to the current result file.


The Custom Tags Editor is not available until you open a result file.

Importing or exporting custom tags



Export custom tags to a TAGS file


  1. Open the result file that includes the definitions that you want to export.
  2. From the application menu bar, select View > Custom Tags Editor.
  3. The Custom Tags Editor opens.
  4. Define the tags if you have not already done so.
  5. Select Export.
  6. The Save Custom Tags Editor Settings dialog box opens.
  7. Name the file, select where you want to store the file, and select Save.

Import custom tags from a TAGS file


  1. Open the result file of interest.
  2. From the application menu bar, select View > Custom Tags Editor.
  3. The Custom Tags Editor opens.
  4. Select Import.
  5. The Load Custom Tags Editor Settings dialog box opens.
  6. Browse to and select the TAGS file of interest, and then select Open.