Use the Display Filter view to filter the result tables by the custom tags.

Display Filter view showing the filters for the Tags column


  1. Open the result file of interest.
  2. If you have not already defined and applied custom tags, follow the instructions in these topics:
  3. Define custom tags with the Custom Tags Editor
  4. Add or remove custom tags
  5. From the application menu bar, select View > Display Filter.
  6. On the left side of the Display Filter view, select the tables that you want to filter.
  7. On the right side of the view, set up the filters for each table one-by-one.
  8. To set up a single custom tags filter, select Tags, and then select the remaining filters as follows:
  9. Is True or Has No Value > In Tag > Tag Name
  10. Is True or Has No Value > In Any Tag
  11. Is True or Has No Value > In Every Tag
  12. To filter by multiple conditions, use the AND and OR conjunctions.
  13. Select Apply.