Use the Display Filter view to filter the result tables by the custom tags.
- Open the result file of interest.
- If you have not already defined and applied custom tags, follow the instructions in these topics:
- Define custom tags with the Custom Tags Editor
- Add or remove custom tags
- From the application menu bar, select View > Display Filter.
- On the left side of the Display Filter view, select the tables that you want to filter.
- On the right side of the view, set up the filters for each table one-by-one.
- To set up a single custom tags filter, select Tags, and then select the remaining filters as follows:
- Is True or Has No Value > In Tag > Tag Name
- Is True or Has No Value > In Any Tag
- Is True or Has No Value > In Every Tag
- To filter by multiple conditions, use the AND and OR conjunctions.
- Select Apply.