The Specialized Traces page of the result report lists the total ion current chromatograms (TICs) and base peak chromatograms (BPCs). If you used the Feature Mapper node in the consensus workflow, the page also displays the corrected retention times for these traces.

The Spectrum Selector node in the processing workflow creates the Specialized Traces page in the result file. It adds rows to the page for each input file for a BPC and a TIC chromatogram.

Specialized Traces page

You can use the Specialized Traces page to compare a TIC to other TICs and a BPC to other BPCs.


  1. To select contiguous traces on the Specialized Traces page, do the following:
  2. Select the first trace that you want to select, hold down the SHIFT key, and then select the last trace that you want to select.
  3. To select noncontiguous traces, do the following:
  4. Hold down the CTRL key and click each separate trace.