The MS/MS Spectrum Info page displays all MS/MS spectra from all raw data files in the analysis that pass the filters specified by the Spectrum Selector node. You can also select spectra to create an Xcalibur mass list, which is explained in Export mass lists.

Some of the available information depends on the nodes used in the workflow. For example, if you used the Spectrum Grouper node, the report lists the grouped spectra. In the following figure, the processing workflow that is shown includes the Precursor Detector node, which detects chimeric spectra. In the Precursor Isotope Pattern pane (lower left), the yellow area indicates mass spectrometer’s isolation window, which shows multiple peaks.

MS/MS Spectrum Info page, including chimeric spectra results

For more information on the Precursor Detector node, see the Precursor Detector node in the Proteome Discoverer Help.

To help you interpret your search results, you can generate the Chromatogram Traces chart on the MS/MS Spectrum Info page. See Using the Chromatogram Traces view.