The following table describes the parameters in the Cleavage Reagents view.

Cleavage Reagents view parameters




Deletes the highlighted cleavage reagent.


Saves any changes made to the cleavage reagents.


Specifies the name of the reagent used for the protein digestion. The options are as follows:

  • All: Returns the filtered search results to the results that were first loaded.
  • Custom: Opens the Custom Filter dialog box.
  • Blanks: Filters out rows that have data-filled cells in the column whose funnel icon you selected.
  • NonBlanks: Filters out rows that have empty cells in the column whose funnel icon you selected.
  • List of enzymes: Lists the specific names of all available enzymes that act as reagents.

Cleavage Sites

Specifies the position (amino acid) at which to cleave the sequence. The options are as follows:

  • All: Returns the filtered search results to the results that were first loaded.
  • Custom: Opens the Custom Filter dialog box.
  • Blanks: Filters out rows that have data-filled cells in the column whose funnel icon you selected.
  • NonBlanks: Filters out rows that have empty cells in the column whose funnel icon you selected.
  • List of amino acids: Lists the names of the amino acids at which the enzyme cleaves the peptide.

Cleavage Inhibitors

Specifies the amino acids that block cleavage when they are adjacent to the cleavage site. The options are as follows:

  • All: Returns the filtered search results to the results that were first loaded.
  • Custom: Opens the Custom Filter dialog box.
  • Blanks: Filters out rows that have data-filled cells in the column whose Filter icon you selected.
  • NonBlanks: Filters out rows that have empty cells in the column whose Filter icon you selected.
  • -: No amino acids inhibit cleavage.
  • P: Adjacent proline amino acids inhibit cleavage.


Specifies which side of the given amino acids the protease should cleave. The options are as follows:

  • All: Returns the filtered search results to the results that were first loaded.
  • Custom: Opens the Custom Filter dialog box.
  • Blanks: Filters out rows that have data-filled cells in the column whose Filter icon you selected.
  • NonBlanks: Filters out rows that have empty cells in the column whose Filter icon you selected.
  • 0: The protease cleaves at the N-terminal side of the specified cleavage sites.
  • 1: The protease cleaves at the C-terminal side of the specified cleavage sites.


Specifies the user-defined abbreviation. The options are as follows:

  • All: Returns the filtered search results to the results that were first loaded.
  • Custom: Opens the Custom Filter dialog box.
  • Blanks: Filters out rows that have data-filled cells in the column whose Filter icon you selected.
  • NonBlanks: Filters out rows that have empty cells in the column whose Filter icon you selected.
  • List of abbreviated enzymes: Lists the existing user-defined abbreviations.

Cleavage Specificities

Selects the cleavage specificity for enzymes. You can select more than one cleavage specificity. The available cleavage specificities are as follows:

  • Full: Specifies a full enzymatic digestion. Sequences are not cleaved.
  • Semi: Specifies a semi-enzymatic digestion. The cleavage is specific at one terminal end.
  • Semi (N-Term): Specifies that the cleavage be specific at the amino terminal end and unspecific at the carboxyl terminal end.
  • Semi (C-Term): Specifies that the cleavage be specific at the carboxyl terminal end and unspecific at the amino terminal end.
  • Enzymatic Unspecific: Specifies an unspecific digestion with an extra weight for enzymatically digested peptides.

Click here to add a new record

Opens a row in the reagents table so that you can enter the name and information about a new cleavage reagent.