Starting the run is the final step in an analysis.
- In the Study, go to the Grouping & Quantification tab.
- Under the Study Variables section, select Stimulation.
- For the numerator, select Insulin.
- In the Manual Ratio Generation pane, for the denominator, select Control, and select Add Ratio.
- Change the numerator by choosing IGF-1, and selecting Add Ratio.
- In the Generated Ratios pane, the ratios Insulin/Control and IGF-1/Control appear.
- In the Analysis pane, select Run.
- A warning appears stating that the Sample Group "Pool" is not used for any ratio.
- Select Ignore to start the analysis.
Do not include Pool in the processing. Because there is only a single Pool channel, the application cannot calculate p-values for ratios that include the pool.
- The processing and consensus workflows appear in the Job Queue.