
  1. To display the associated precursor scans (precursor before and after the MS/MS scan), select the MS/MS Spectrum Info icon, , in the upper-left corner of the Field Chooser.
  2. The Field Chooser menu opens.
  3. From the Field Chooser menu, select Master Scan.
  4. To display Associated PrSMs, Proteoforms, and so on, select the down arrow next to Show Associated Tables, .
Table Commonly used columns on the MS/MS Spectrum Info page




The .raw data file name.

RT [min]

Retention time of the MS/MS scan (in minutes).

First Scan

First precursor scan associated with this MS/MS scan.

Activation Type

Activation type used to generate ions in the MS/MS scan.


Normalized Collision Energy applied if HCD is used.

# PrSMs

Number of PrSMs that this MS/MS scan supports.

Isolation Interference [%]

Measure of co-isolated precursor interference.

Ion Inject Time [ms]

How long ions were collected prior to analysis. Shorter times indicate a more abundant signal.

m/z [Da]

Observed mass.

Mass [Da]

Monoisotopic observed mass.

Theo. Mass [Da]

Theoretical mass based on matched proteoform from database.

ΔMass [ppm]

Observed theoretical mass error in parts per million.

ΔMass [Da]

Observed theoretical mass error in Daltons.

Matched Ions

Number of matched fragment ions supporting the PrSM.