When you use a label-free quantitation workflow, quantitative results appear in the Proteoforms Table.

For information on the other columns in the Proteoform page, see Proteoforms page.

Figure Quantitative information columns in the Proteoforms page

The following table lists the columns that contain quantitative information. For the other columns, see the Commonly used columns on the Proteoforms page table.

Table Quantitative information columns in the Proteoforms page



Abundance Ratio

The ratio of the grouped abundances based on requested ratios from the grouping and analysis tab.

Abundance Ratios (log2)

The abundance ratio as a logarithm.

Abundance Ratio Adjusted P-Value

The p-values adjusted by using the Benjamini-Hochberg correction for the false discovery rate.

For more information on p-values, refer to Calculating P-Values and Adjusted P-Values for Quantification Results in the Proteome Discoverer User Guide.

Abundances Grouped

Displays the abundance values of the sample groups.

A grouped abundance value is calculated as the arithmetic mean of all the replicate abundance values within a sample group. This column appears when you group samples in the analysis setup and there is at least one sample group consisting of at least two samples.

You can specify the sample grouping on the Grouping and Quantification page when you set up an analysis.


The abundance values.