Consensus feature groups are a collection of similar (within mass and RT tolerance) feature groups, one from each file, representative of the feature across files. The Consensus Feature Groups page provides a list of all the consensus feature groups found.

The following figure shows some of the columns of the Consensus Feature Group page.

Figure Consensus Feature Group page (detail)

The following table lists the columns on the Consensus Feature Group page.

Table Feature Group page columns



Average Apex RT

The average apex retention time of all of the feature groups composing the consensus feature group.

Mass [Da]

The average mass of the feature groups composing the consensus feature groups.

# Files

The number of files where a feature was detected.

Abundance (Normalized)

The normalized abundance of each feature group in the consensus feature group.

Abundances (per File)

The Abundances column reports the measured abundance of each feature group in the consensus feature group.

Quan Info

Shared indicates that a consensus feature maps back to two or more proteoforms. This occurs when there are two species of similar masses with similar RT, which can occur when there are two isobaric proteoforms of the same isoform.