The Feature Group page reports a list of all features individually measured from all data files. Use the Feature Group page to see the mass and abundance of each detected feature as well as additional features.
The following table lists the Feature Group page columns.
Column | Description |
File ID | A short identifier of the input file in which the application detected the feature. |
Apex RT [min] | The retention time (RT) at which the abundance is greatest for the feature. |
Area | The measured peak area for a feature. |
Intensity | Displays the peak height of the largest theoretical contained LCMS peak. |
# LCMS Features | The number of LC/MS features found within your defined mass and retention time thresholds. This value is usually one. When many feature groups contain more than 2 or 3 LC/MS features, consider tightening the RT and Mass tolerance in the feature detector node. For information on feature detector nodes and their parameters, see Feature Detector nodes. |
Scan Range | The scan numbers where the feature was detected. |
RT Range | The retention time range when the feature was detected. |
Mass (Da) | The detected mass of the feature. |
Quan Info | The column indicates if the feature is shared or unique.
#PrSMs | The number of PrSMs. |