The Proteoform Spectral Match Grouper node groups redundant PrSMs into proteoforms. In the consensus workflow, this node follows the MSF files node.
The following table lists the advanced node parameters. The node does not have regular parameters.
Parameter | Description |
1. C-Score Threshold | |
Medium PrSM C-Score Threshold | PrSMs with C-Scores greater than or equal to this value, but less that the High PrSM C-Score Threshold are grouped together into medium confidence proteoforms. A proteoform with at least one PRSM of medium confidence is considered medium confidence. Default: 3 |
High PrSM C-Score Threshold | PrSMs with C-Scores greater than or equal to this value are grouped together into high confidences proteoforms. A proteoform with at least one PrSM of high confidence is considered high confidence. Default: 40 |
2. Grouping by Tolerance | |
Should group by tolerance | If set to True, software groups proteoforms by mass in addition to sequence and modification. If set to False, software groups proteoforms only on their sequence and modifications. (Default) |
Group Detected Mass Tolerance | Specifies the grouping mass tolerance. |