The ProSightPD application is a set of nodes on the Proteome Discover platform. These nodes are designed to analyze top-down mass spectrometry data.
The ProSightPD nodes identify, quantify, and characterize proteoforms. The ProSightPD application is fully integrated into the Proteome Discoverer framework and utilizes a common user interface and results architecture. The primary difference between the ProSightPD nodes and the other nodes within Proteome Discoverer is the focus on proteoform identification and not peptide identification. Many of the notable differences such as database structure, tables in the results, and graphical result views stem from this fundamental practice.
The ProSightPD application supports several top-down workflows including:
- High-throughput LC/MS proteoform discovery
- Large proteoform discovery using proton transfer charge reduction (PTCR)
- Label-free quantitation (LFQ) of proteoforms
- Targeted proteoform searches
- Analysis of infused samples and manually collected data (not using a predefined MS method)
- Analysis of isotopically and non-isotopically resolved precursors