When you have saved the eWorkflow procedure, you can move it between Chromeleon data vaults in the Chromeleon Console and access it from different instruments. For example, you can move it from the ChromeleonLocal data vault used by the research and development lab to a remote data vault used by the quality and control lab.
The eWorkflow procedure automates all steps of the analysis. When created correctly, you can use an eWorkflow procedure to run an analysis right away, without any further adjustments.
- The samples are prepared in the autosampler and the instrument is connected
- Run the eWorkflow procedure from the Chromeleon Console by one of the following methods:
- In the eWorkflow view of the Console, select an eWorkflow procedure in the list, and in the view of the eWorkflow procedure that is displayed, select Launch to run the eWorkflow procedure. You might first need to select Connect in case the instrument has been disconnected.
- In the Instrument view of the Console, select an instrument in the list, and then in the menu above the ePanel view of the instrument, select Launch eWorkflow.
- After the eWorkflow procedure run is complete, review the report that was created.