In the eWorkflow wizard, create a bracketed sequence structure, where sample injections are bracketed between SST injections of known standards. For more information about SST, see System validation: System suitability test.


  1. In the Sample block, insert the following injections:
  2. A blank injection of the Matrix type.
  3. Injections of the Unknown type for your peptide samples, stressed peptide, and so on.
  4. An injection spiked with PRTC standard.
  5. In the Bracket block, insert a known standard injection of a Check Standard type that is used for SST.
  6. Select both options, Use Bracket Block After Sequence Footer and Use Bracket Block Before Sequence Footer, to have the SST performed both before and after the Sample block.
  7. Set Max. Sample Block per Bracket to 1 to repeat the bracket with each sample block.
  8. In the Sequence Header block and in the Sequence Footer block, insert blank injections of the Matrix type.
  9. Assign the processing method that you developed for the product to all Unknown injections, and assign the SST processing method to the injection in the Bracket block.
  10. NOTE

    Blank injections do not need any processing method assigned.

  11. Assign the same instrument method to all injections.

For more information about setting up sequence layouts in the eWorkflow editor, refer to the Chromeleon CDS Software User Help.