For detailed steps of how to create eWorflow procedures in Chromeleon CDS software, refer to the Chromeleon CDS Software User Help. For MAM 2.0 workflow-related eWorkflow procedures, pay attention to the following considerations:

  • The eWorkflow procedure should be associated with those instruments for which you have optimized the PQA monitoring method.
  • The following items should be included as Methods:
    • The LC- and MS- instrument methods.
    • One processing method for the sample injections and one for the SST injection that is run after sample injections.
    • One view settings file for viewing the results of the sample injections and one for viewing the results of the SST.
    • The PQAs report template.
  • TIP

    Select the Save complete copy option to ensure that the same exact methods and templates are used each time the eWorkflow procedure is executed rather than just linking the eWorkflow procedure to items that might get modified later.

  • In the Auto-Reporting Settings, select Perform NTMS Preprocessing and Save electronic report with the After whole sequence option.
  • Configure notification settings and electronic signature settings.
  • Under Configure MS Settings, make sure to select BioPharma Finder as the NTMS New Peak Detection Algorithm and to set the Peptide Display Mode to Show Master Peptides and Charge States.