Dedicate one sheet in your report template to new peak detection. In this sheet, report the parameters that were used for NTMS processing, as well as the results. Use the tables from the Peptide Results group of table templates.


  1. To report the NTMS processing parameters, select the BioPharma Finder Processing Parameters Table.
  2. To report the components found by the NTMS, select the BioPharma Finder Component Results Table. Edit the default table to include only those columns, that you want to include.


These tables are not populated with data if you select an injection that was not processed with an NTMS processing run or was not the control injection.

Just like the Component Results Table in the NTMS Processing category, the report table for the results lists all detected peaks until you set up a filter. Display the Properties dialog for the table, and on the Result Component Filter page, set up filtering in the same way as you did in the NTMS Processing category. See New peak detection.