At the top of this sheet, include a header area with individual report variables for the most important sequence properties, for example, the following:

  • Name of the sequence:
  • Name of the instrument: seq.instrument
  • Whether it has imported data: if(seq.imported=true, "True", "False")
  • Number of injections: seq.nInjections
  • Creation time: seq.creation_time.format("dd/mmm/yyyy hh:mm"))
  • MS acquisition time: chm.end_time and select the TIC channel
  • Method length time: chm.end_time and select the Pump pressure channel

Below this header, consider including the Sequence Overview table. It is predefined as a table template. You can insert the table using any of the approaches described in the Chromeleon CDS Software User Help. The Sequence Overview table is the second one on the Generic sheet, which you can open by selecting the Peak Summary Table from the Results group.

Consider editing the predefined template, for example, instead of the Level column, you can report the instrument method that is assigned to each injection. You can also add another column to report the processing method.