Injections bracketing your sample injections require their own processing method that is dedicated only to the SST.


  1. In the BioPharma Finder software, you have performed peptide mapping analysis based on MS/MS data acquired for the standard of your sample and you have exported a BioPharma Finder target peptide workbook with selected abundant peptides that cover the entire retention time range.
  2. You have run an injection of the standard of your sample with the same instrument method that is used for PQA monitoring (that is, the same LC gradient, but only a full-MS scan method without ddMS2 scans).


  1. In Chromeleon CDS software, create a new processing method.
  2. TIP

    Name the processing method so that it is distinct from the processing method used for the samples. For example, name it SST.

  3. Open the Chromatography Studio and import the BioPharma Finder target peptide workbook with the PQAs of the reference standard sample that you have selected to be considered in the data processing step.
  4. In the Processing Method pane, open the SST/IRC page. Refer to the Chromeleon CDS Software User Help, if needed.