The list of the component results from the NTMS processing by the BioPharma Finder algorithm contains all components identified in the processed injection, including those components that are also present in the control injection. To narrow down the list of components set up filters in the Component Results Table:

  • Set up filtering rules that define which components to include in the list of the new peaks. For example, you can include only those components that have the value of Max MS Area larger than a specific threshold, those components that were found to have an isotopic envelope and a deconvoluted mass, and thus their Mono Mass Exp. value is not zero, and so on.
  • Set up filtering of targeted components, which excludes those components that match targeted components specified in the MS Components table of the processing method.
  • Set up filtering of known components, which excludes those components that match a specific retention time and m/z value that you can either specify manually or import from a BioPharma Finder workbook.


Unlike the parameters that you used for processing the injection, the filters are not a part of the processing method, but a part of the view settings. You can quickly switch between evaluating the results of NTMS processing by switching to different view settings. Filters for report tables are configured independently, and are described under Reporting PQA monitoring results in the Chromeleon CDS software.

To save a specific combination of filters into view settings, do one of the following:

  • Select the Save Changes icon in the top left corner of the Studio and in the dialog that displays, select to save the view settings.
  • Return to the Data Processing category of the Studio and in the navigation pane, open the context menu for the current view settings and select either Save Changes or Save As.