By default, peak detection assigns to each XIC its individual start and stop time for integration, but these times might be too restrictive. However, you can assign a common, wider integration window to multiple or all XICs at the same time.
- In the MS Components pane, display the context menu of the XIC that you want to use as the source of the integration window width for the other XICs of that component.
- Select Set Detection Reference XIC.
- The Set Detection Reference XIC dialog box opens.
- In the dialog box, select whether you to specify the XICs that you want to modify as Component(s) or as Peptide(s).
Note the following points:
- The Peptide(s) option is only available after you import a target peptide workbook.
- If you select the Peptide(s) option, then your selected XICs represent master peptides with all charge states that belong to the same peak group.
- Selecting Peptide(s) option adds one more dropdown list in the dialog box.
- Select whether the detection reference should be taken from the Quantitation Peak or a confirming peak.
- If you have selected to specify XIC(s) as peptides, select whether the detection reference should be taken from the Master Peptide or one of the charge state peptides.
- Select the components to which you want to apply this reference and then select OK.