As a part of the processing method, Chromeleon CDS software uses an imported peptide workbook (created by the BioPharma Finder software) to identify the peptides present in your samples.
- If not already displayed, open the Processing Method pane in the work area, and then select it.
- When the Processing Method pane is selected, the ribbon contains the Processing Method tab.
- In the Processing Method pane, select one of the following:
- The MS Component Table
- The Peptide Table
- Any other table that enables the Import option in the Components group of controls in the Processing Method ribbon tab.
You might need to use the Page Selector or select a layout from the Layouts palette to display some of the tables. For example, you can use the MS Quantitative layout.
- Select the Import option in the ribbon.
- The Chromeleon CDS software opens the Compound Data Import dialog box.
- In the dialog, select the arrow next to the Browse button and select BioPharma Finder Workbook.
- Select the Browse button to browse for your target peptide workbook.
- The dialog box is populated with the peptides listed in the workbook.
- In the list of peptides, select those peptides that you want to import.
You can use the first row of the table to filter the list of peptides to help you with finding the peptides you want to import.
- Select Import.
- Chromeleon CDS software adds the peptides to the Component Table, to the MS Component Table, as well as to the Peptide Table.
You can also use other data sources for bringing in the target peptide data into Chromeleon CDS software. For example, you can import a Protein Metrics .csv file that matches the format of a BioPharma Finder peptide workbook.