There are several options how you can specify the sequence to identify experimental components in the peptide mapping analysis:
- In the form of a FASTA file that represents the amino acid sequence of your molecule of interest.
- By typing.
- By copying and pasting from another source.
To import in the form of a FASTA file, follow this procedure.
- The BioPharma Finder software is open and connected to the Ardia Platform.
- Open the Sequence Manager by selecting Sequence Manager on the BioPharma Finder software home page.
- Select New Protein to the right of the sequence table.
- The Protein Sequence Editor opens with the Manual Input Protein Sequence pane expanded.
- To import a FASTA file, select Import FASTA File in the command bar and then browse to the folder containing your FASTA file.
- Select a FASTA file to import, and then select Open.
- The application displays the protein sequence information from the FASTA file in the Protein Sequence Map pane of the Protein Sequence Editor, with cysteine residues highlighted in yellow for easy visibility.
- In addition, the Protein Sequence Information pane displays both the monoisotopic and average masses of the sequence in the Target Protein area and the monoisotopic and average masses of the first chain in the Chain area.
- (Optional) To view the masses of a different chain, select the chain number from the Chain list.
- In the Target Protein area, do the following:
- Enter the name of the sequence.
- Select Peptide Mapping from the Category dropdown list.
- Select Save in the top right corner of the page.
- The application adds the saved sequence to the table on the Sequence Manager page.
After you add your protein sequence to the Sequence Manager, you can use the Protein Sequence Editor to add fixed or variable modifications as necessary, and to specify the maximum number of modifications per peptide. For more information, refer to the BioPharma Finder Software User Guide.