Once registered, you can use your Ardia Platform account credentials to connect to the Ardia Platform in both Chromeleon CDS software and BioPharma Finder software.


  1. Open Chromeleon CDS software or BioPharma Finder software in Ardia Platform mode.
  2. For more details, see Use the BioPharma Finder software in Ardia Platform mode and Use the Chromeleon CDS software in Ardia Platform mode.
  3. When prompted, enter your username in the Login dialog box and then select Continue.
  4. Enter your password and then select Sign In.
  5. If you have multiple roles associated with your user account, you are prompted to select a specific role while using the application.
  6. If prompted, select a role from the dropdown list and then select Next.

After you successfully logged in, the application opens in Ardia Platform and the green-overlay icon in the upper right corner indicates that you are connected. Grey overlay indicates that you are disconnected.