After the LC/MS system has been installed and fully configured, its performance is assessed with a system performance evaluation test (SET) specifically developed for the MAM 2.0 workflow. The SET uses Thermo Scientific™ Pierce™ BSA Protein Digest, the Hypersil Gold VANQUISH C18 2.1 x100 mm column, and UHPLC-grade solvents. For more information about the Pierce BSA Protein Digest, visit the product website.

The SET demonstrates that the LC/MS system is performing at the expected level. The test is executed in the Chromeleon CDS software using an eWorkflow procedure encompassing the injection sequence and all methods for data acquisition, data analysis, and report generation. After the test is run, it presents a pass or fail result with a detailed description. Acceptance criteria relate to both the chromatographic as well as mass spectrometric performance.


You can also use the SET for troubleshooting whenever you suspect that the performance of your LC/MS system has changed.