In Chromeleon CDS software, reports are designed in the form of report templates, in the Report Designer category of the Chromatography studio. Report templates are objects that are associated with a sequence, similar to processing methods or view settings, but they are distinct from both.


View settings can contain information similar to that in a report template. For example, interactive result tables and interactive charts can be almost identical to those in a report. Similarly, filters used in the NTMS processing category can be set up identically to those used in a report. Regardless, when you change tables, charts, and filters in the view settings, these changes are not automatically applied to the appearance or filtered content in any reports.

For detailed information about creating a new report template and about adding individual report variables or entire report tables and charts to the report template, refer to the Chromeleon CDS Software User Help.


Chromeleon CDS software provides a predefined report template for MAM. To start with this template, select Thermo Scientific Templates > Peptides > Default MAM Report. Alternatively, specify your own template as described in the following topics.

The following topics describe the various pages that you can consider to include in your report template: