The following table describes the information in the Define Modification List table in the Protein Sequence Editor.

Define Modification List table information



Display Variable Modification (checkbox)

Select this checkbox to make the modification visible in the Modifications lists in the Variable Modifications for Intact and Peptide Analysis pane in the Protein Sequence Editor.

Select Default Modification (checkbox)

Select this checkbox to add the modification to the default sublist of modifications for quick-loading in the Variable Modifications for Intact and Peptide Analysis pane in the Protein Sequence Editor.

Modification Name

Displays the name of the modification.


Displays the chemical formula of the modification.

Avg. Mass

Displays the average mass of the modification.

Mono. Mass

Displays the monoisotopic mass of the modification.

Monosaccharide Composition (glycans only)

(Expandable) Displays the number of specific monosaccharide subunits comprising the glycan:

  • Hex (for glucose)
  • HexNAc (for N-acetylglucosamine)
  • Neu5Ac (for N-acetylneuraminic acid)
  • Neu5Gc (for N-glycolylneuraminic acid)
  • Fuc (for fucose)

Modification Type

Displays the type of modification:

  • NTerm (for N-terminal modification)
  • CTerm (for C-terminal modification)
  • SideChain (for side-chain modification)