The following table describes the information in the Define Modification List table in the Protein Sequence Editor.
Column | Description |
Display Variable Modification (checkbox) | Select this checkbox to make the modification visible in the Modifications lists in the Variable Modifications for Intact and Peptide Analysis pane in the Protein Sequence Editor. |
Select Default Modification (checkbox) | Select this checkbox to add the modification to the default sublist of modifications for quick-loading in the Variable Modifications for Intact and Peptide Analysis pane in the Protein Sequence Editor. |
Modification Name | Displays the name of the modification. |
Formula | Displays the chemical formula of the modification. |
Avg. Mass | Displays the average mass of the modification. |
Mono. Mass | Displays the monoisotopic mass of the modification. |
Monosaccharide Composition (glycans only) | (Expandable) Displays the number of specific monosaccharide subunits comprising the glycan:
Modification Type | Displays the type of modification: