Use the Define Modification List feature to select which modifications are visible in the Modifications lists in the Variable Modifications for Intact and Peptide Analysis pane in the Protein Sequence Editor. You can also select which modifications are included in the default sublist for quick loading.


  1. You are viewing the Protein Sequence Editor.


  1. In the Protein Sequence Editor, select Define Modification List on the command bar.
  2. The Define Modification List table opens, displaying the complete list of modifications supported by the application.
  3. The modifications listed in the Define Modification List table are color-coded as described in the table below.
Define Modification List table color-coding



Modifications lists status

Sublist for quick-loading status

Blue (bold)

Recommended default modifications

By default, visible in Modifications list

By default, selected for sublist for quick-loading


Other modifications

By default, visible in Modifications list

By default, not selected for sublist for quick-loading

Purple (bold)

User-defined custom modifications

By default, visible in Modifications list

By default, not selected for sublist for quick-loading



By default, not visible in Modifications list

By default, not selected for sublist for quick-loading

Figure Table in the Define Modification List pane
Table in the Define Modification List pane
  1. In the Display Variable Modification column, select/deselect the checkboxes for modifications to add/remove them from the visible Modifications lists in the Variable Modifications for Intact and Peptide Mapping pane.
  2. In the Select Default Modification column, select/deselect the checkboxes for modifications to add/remove them from the default sublist for quick-loading.
  3. Select the Save button to save changes and close the window or select the Close button to close the window without saving any changes.