The following table describes the parameters in the Assign Variable Modifications pane in the Oligonucleotide Sequence Editor.

Assign Variable Modifications pane parameters



Max # Modifications area

Displays the maximum number of variable modifications to assign to the oligonucleotide sequence.

Range: 0 to 8; default value: 1

Terminal Truncation Search area (Visible for oligonucleotide sequences with the "Intact Deconvolution" category only)

Enabled Yes/No (buttons)

Enables or disables the Terminal Truncation Search feature for Intact Mass Analysis.

Options: Yes or No (default)


Specifies if the truncated terminal is removed from the 5'- or 3'-terminal of the oligonucleotide sequence.

  • Remove from 5' (default)
  • Remove from 3'

Lower Mass Limit

Defines the lower mass limit for the truncated terminal.

Range: 0 to 100,000; default value: 1,000

Modifications/Modifications Selected for Search area

Modifications (left side panel)

Lists the 5'-terminal, 3'-terminal, and building block modifications available to assign to the oligonucleotide sequence.

Modifications Selected for Search (right side panel)

Lists the 5'-terminal, 3'-terminal, and building block modifications currently assigned to the oligonucleotide sequence.

Mono. Mass

Displays the monoisotopic mass of the selected modification.

Avg. Mass

Displays the average mass of the selected modification.

Residues (Oligo Variable Modification area)

Displays the letter code(s) for the building block(s) associated with the selected modification.

The following table describes the commands in the Assign Variable Modifications pane in the Oligonucleotide Sequence Editor.

Assign Variable Modifications pane commands




Adds the selected modification to the Modifications Selected for Search list.


Removes the selected modification from the Modifications Selected for Search list.

Load Default Mods

Quickly loads the (editable) default sublist of modifications into the Modifications Selected for Search list.