In the Peptide Mapping Analysis workflow, the BioPharma Finder application can detect and quantify trace host cell protein (HCP) contaminants in biotherapeutics by searching user-specified HCP databases. The Host Cell Protein Database Manager displays the HCP databases loaded to the application.

The application includes three default databases:

  • Chinese hamster Cricetulus griseus_uniprot_proteome_UP000001075
  • Human_uniprot_proteome_UP000005640
  • Mouse_uniprot_proteome_UP000000589
Figure Three default HCP databases
Three default HCP databases

Custom databases can be added as needed.


  1. On the BioPharma Finder Home page, in the Experiment Types pane, select the Sequence Manager link.
  2. The Sequence Manager opens.
  3. At the top of the window, select the Host Cell Protein Database Manager tab.
  4. The Host Cell Protein Database Manager opens.
  5. HCP Database table
    Figure HCP Database table
  6. To add an HCP database, select the Add button on the right side of the page.
  7. The Add Host Cell Protein Database dialog box opens.
  8. Add Host Cell Protein Database dialog box
    Figure Add Host Cell Protein Database dialog box
  9. Select the ellipsis button (...) to the right of the Select FASTA File field, locate and select the FASTA file (.fasta) you want to import, and then select Open.
  10. The Select FASTA File field displays the directory path of the FASTA file on your computer.
  11. The Host Cell Protein Database Name field displays the name of the FASTA file.
  12. Select OK.
  13. The new database is added to the HCP Database table on the Host Cell Protein Database Manager page.
  14. To delete an HCP database, select the row in the Host Cell Protein Database table for the database you want to delete and then select the Delete button on the right side of the page.
  15. HCP Database table with row selected
    Figure HCP Database table with row selected
  16. NOTE

    You cannot delete a default HCP database.

  17. A confirmation dialog box appears.
  18. In the confirmation dialog box, select Yes to delete the database or select No to cancel.
  19. The application returns to the Host Cell Protein Database Manager.