In the Protein Sequence Editor, you can prompt the application to search for over 200 potential N- and O-linked glycans.


The application supports N-linked glycans for both Peptide Mapping Analysis and Intact Mass Analysis experiments, but O-linked glycans are supported for Peptide Mapping Analysis experiments only.


  1. You are editing a protein sequence in the Protein Sequence Editor.
  2. The sequence has the "Peptide Mapping" category for Peptide Mapping Analysis or the "Intact Protein" category for Intact Mass Analysis.


  1. In the Protein Sequence Editor, expand the Variable Modifications for Intact and Peptide Analysis pane on the right side of the page.
  2. At the top of the pane, in the Glycosylation area, select the glycan database (or None) to use in the glycosylation search from the N, O Glycan dropdown list:
  3. None: Does not add a search for glycans.
  4. CHO: Adds a search for glycans from the Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) database.
  5. Human: Adds a search for glycans from the human glycan database.
  6. Save the protein sequence.