The table below describes the types of modifications you can add to your sequence in the Protein Sequence Editor, depending on its category.

Protein sequence modifications

Order of application



Workflow (Sequence category)


Disulfide links

Create intra- and inter-chain links between cysteine (C) residues in a protein.

You can assign disulfide links to sequences with the "Intact Protein" category only. The feature is disabled for all other categories.

  • Intact Mass Analysis (Intact Protein)


Static modifications

Define side-chain or terminal modifications at a single site or all sites for a specified residue or terminal.

  • Peptide Mapping Analysis (Peptide Mapping)
  • Intact Mass Analysis (Intact Protein)



Specify attachment of sugar moieties at sites in the protein to form N- and O-linked glycans.

  • Peptide Mapping Analysis (Peptide Mapping)
  • Intact Mass Analysis (Intact Protein)


Variable modifications

Define possible side-chain or terminal modifications whose specific sites and number of occurrences might not be known.

  • Peptide Mapping Analysis (Peptide Mapping)
  • Intact Mass Analysis (Intact Protein)


Generate proteoforms

Select a sublist of variable modifications to generate a list of proteoforms for searching to identify fragment ions.

You can generate proteoforms for sequences with the "Top Down" category only. This feature is disabled for all other categories.

  • Top Down Analysis (Top Down)


Upon installation, the BioPharma Finder application includes a default list of variable modifications. You can use the Define Modification List feature to customize the list visible in the Protein Sequence Editor and define a custom sublist for quick loading.