You can filter data rows in the Results table on the Process and Review page to clearly visualize specific results.


  1. You have processed your experiment and are viewing the Results table on the Process and Review page.


  1. In the Results table, identify the column you want to filter.
  2. In the filter row (below the column headers), select a filter operator from the drop-down list.
  3. Select a filter operator (text-based column)
    Figure Select a filter operator (text-based column)
  4. Select a filter operator (numerical column)
    Figure Select a filter operator (numerical column)
  5. See Table filter operators.
  6. Select a filter operand from the list of options for a particular filter column (if available), or type a value in the operand box for a condition.
  7. Select a filter operand
    Figure Select a filter operand
  8. See Table filter operands.
  9. The table displays only the rows with values that fulfill the selected condition in the filter column.
  10. Some of the operators do not apply to all of the available operands, or they can have other special operands.
  11. If you select operators and operands for multiple columns, the table shows only the rows with values that fulfill all of the conditions in the selected filter columns.