- You are setting up an experiment on the appropriate workflow page.
- You have loaded one or more raw data files to your experiment.
- In the Processing Method area, select the checkbox for the processing method you want to use or customize for your experiment.
- (Optional) Select the Enable Automatic Parameter Values checkbox if you want the application to automatically determine several parameters for the experiment, such as the absolute signal threshold and retention time shift, using the raw data files.
- Then, do either of the following:
- Select Start Processing to submit your experiment for processing.
- Select Edit Method to open the processing method editing wizard and edit the experiment parameters before processing.
You cannot overwrite a default processing method. You must use a new name to save changes made to a default method.
If you modify any of the parameters in a processing method, you must save the edited method using a new name to preserve your modifications.
When creating a new experiment, you can modify a processing method without affecting any submitted or processing experiments that use that method.
The application saves a copy of the current processing method parameters with each submitted experiment, so any subsequent changes to the method do not affect submitted or processing experiments.
- Once you submit the experiment for processing, the Queue page opens, displaying the jobs in the run queue table.