This procedure describes how to replace the mechanical part (the “pod”) of both the standard injection valve and the optional auxiliary valve. This procedure is usually an easier and faster alternative to rebuilding the valve (see Rebuild the injection valve or auxiliary valve).
Service on internal electronics of the Dionex Inuvion IC System and accessories must be performed by Thermo Fisher Scientific service engineers.
To replace an auxiliary or injection valve pod
- Turn off the pump flow from the Chromeleon CDS ePanel.
- Open the Dionex Inuvion IC System front door.
- Disconnect each liquid line connected to the auxiliary valve.
- Unscrew the black locking ring on the front of the valve (see the following image) and remove the ring.
Figure Auxiliary and injection valve black locking rings - Grasp the front of the valve pod and pull firmly to remove it from the system.
- Verify that the new pod (6-port, P/N 07597; 10-port, P/N 075972) has the correct number of ports for the valve being serviced.
- Align the slots in the new pod with the runner in the valve holder on the Dionex Inuvion IC System. Valve pods are keyed to fit in one way only (one slot is narrower than the other). Verify that the slots are aligned with their matching runners.
- Also verify that the two splines on the pod are aligned with the matching splines inside the valve holder. If necessary, twist the end of the pod to adjust the position of the splines as shown in the following image.
Figure Auxiliary valve pod and pod holder - Push the pod into the holder until it clicks into place.
- Replace the black locking ring on the valve.
- Reconnect all liquid lines to the valve.
- Turn on the pump flow.
- Check for leaks from the valve and tighten fittings as required (see Liquid leaks).
- Close the front door.