This section provides an overview of the steps required to start the system and select the initial system operating parameters. Appropriate operating parameters (including flow rate, cell heater temperature, and suppressor current) depend on the application you plan to run. For the required settings for your application, refer to the column manual.

Set or verify the system operating parameters from the Inuvion ePanel. Parameters can also be set automatically, by loading a Chromeleon CDS sequence.


Selecting the On or Off button on the Inuvion ePanel starts or stops the pump, suppressor, Dionex EGC, and Dionex CR-TC. Selecting On restores the flow rate, suppressor current, and eluent concentration settings that were in effect when the system was last shut down.


  1. Verify that the pump is on and that the flow rate setting is correct.
  2. Verify that the suppressor current is on and that the setting is correct.
  3. If installed, verify that the Dionex EGC is on and that the eluent concentration setting is correct.
  4. If installed, verify that the Dionex CR-TC is on.
  5. If installed, verify that the column heater temperature is set to the correct value.