Possible cause


Flow system leak; erratic baseline

Check for leaks in all tubing and fittings. Tighten all tubing connections and replace them as necessary. For tightening requirements, see Replace tubing and fittings.

Trapped gases


  1. Loosen the lines to and from the cell, and then retighten them.
  2. Next, loosen and retighten the fittings to and from the suppressor eluent ports.

Pump not properly primed

Prime the pump (see Prime the analytical pump).

Contaminated or incorrect eluent

Remake the eluent, using concentrated eluent and ASTM filtered, Type I (18.2-megohm-cm) deionized water that meets the specifications listed in Deionized water requirements for IC.

Rapid changes in ambient temperature


  1. Verify that the ambient temperature is between 4—40 °C (40—104 °F).
  2. Make sure that air conditioning and heating vents are directed away from the Dionex Inuvion IC System. Check that the front door of the system is closed.

Insufficient system equilibration following changes to operating parameters; especially apparent when operating at high sensitivities

Allow a longer system equilibration time (up to 2 hours) before starting operation.

Incorrect suppressor operating conditions

Refer to the suppressor manual for troubleshooting information.

Cell above or below temperature

Contact Thermo Fisher Scientific Technical Support for assistance.

Damaged piston seal

Replace the piston seal (see Remove and replace the pistons, analytical pump seals, and O-rings).