The instrument control firmware installed in the Dionex Inuvion IC System periodically checks the status of certain parameters. If a problem is detected, it is reported to the Chromeleon Chromatography Data System (CDS) and logged in the software audit trail. Each error message is preceded by an icon that identifies the seriousness of the underlying problem (see the following table). You can change the severity level assigned to a problem whenever appropriate.
An interactive troubleshooting guide is available in Chromeleon CDS. To access the guide, select Troubleshooting and Diagnostics on the Instrument toolbar above the ePanel Set and select Inuvion Device Troubleshooting.
Icon | Severity level | Description |
Warning | A message is displayed in the audit trail but the current run is not interrupted. | |
Error | A message is displayed in the audit trail. The system attempts to correct the problem (sometimes by using an alternative parameter). An Error never interrupts the current analysis. If it occurs during the Ready Check, the queue will not be started until the error is resolved. | |
Abort | A message is displayed in the audit trail and the running queue is aborted. |