An eluent monitor can be installed to continuously monitor the eluent volume and alert you when the eluent level drops below the user-specified threshold. Each eluent module can support one eluent bottle. The Dionex Inuvion IC System can monitor up to three bottles, using the appropriate kit(s):
- Liquid Level Sensing Kit for 2-liter bottles (P/N 22815-62707)
- Liquid Level Sensing Kit for 4-liter bottles (P/N 22815-62708)
- Place the eluent monitor on the bench near the Dionex Inuvion IC System.
- Plug the eluent monitor into a USB port on the rear panel of the Dionex Inuvion IC System.
- On the Chromeleon CDS Setup screen, select the Advanced options button.
- A new screen is displayed.
- Under Third party vendor instrument control, select the Silicon Labs USB to Com Port Driver check box.
- Select Install to begin installation of the driver. When this is completed, open the Chromeleon Instrument Configuration Manager.
- Add the eluent monitor to the instrument that includes the Dionex Inuvion IC System.
- Right-click the eluent monitor in the instrument to display the Eluent Monitor dialog box.
Figure Eluent Monitor dialog box - Select the preferred properties, including:
- The low level threshold that will trigger an alert.
- The intensity of the green and red LEDs that indicate whether the eluent level is above or below, respectively, the threshold.
- The number of the eluent bottle. When installing more than one eluent monitor, be sure to assign a unique number to each bottle.
- If you want to tare the eluent monitor, place an empty eluent bottle on the platform or use a known eluent volume in a bottle.