

Start the Chromeleon Instrument Controller Service


  1. On the Windows taskbar, right-click the Chromeleon icon in the system tray.
  2. Select Start Chromeleon Instrument Controller.
  3. The icon changes to to indicate that the Instrument Controller Service is starting. When the Instrument Controller Service is running (idle), the icon changes to gray .



  1. If the Chromeleon icon is not on the taskbar, select Start > All Programs > Thermo Chromeleon 7 > Services Manager to open the Services Manager and select Start Instrument Controller.

Start the Chromeleon CDS client


  1. Select Start > All Programs >Thermo Chromeleon 7 > Chromeleon 7.

Display the Chromeleon CDS ePanel Set


  1. In the Console, select the Instruments Category Bar.
  2. Select the name of the instrument in which the Dionex Inuvion IC System is configured. Chromeleon CDS will connect to the instrument and display the ePanel Set (see the following image).

Example Chromeleon CDS ePanel Set