Users will periodically install and replace IC columns throughout the life of the system. For example, split peaks may be a sign of column void, in which case the column should be replaced. Other indications that a column should be replaced include insufficient peak resolution, peak splitting, and missing peaks.

Items needed:

  • 500 mL plastic waste beaker
  • Analytical column
  • Guard column
  • Eluent in the eluent bottle (or DI water if using eluent generation)
  • Standard pre-cut PEEK tubing or Viper tubing


  1. Turn off the Dionex Inuvion IC System.
  2. Open the column packaging. You'll see several items inside: the column, a QAR form, and an instruction sheet. Place these items on a clean working surface near the Dionex Inuvion IC System.
  3. If you are replacing a column, open the system front door and remove the old column. Save any fittings for subsequent installation of the new column.
  4. Flush the column storage solution. Prepare eluent or set the eluent concentration to that listed in the QAR if using eluent generation.
  5. Remove the plugs from the guard column and connect the analytical pump outlet to the guard column inlet.
  6. Note the direction of flow and verify that the column is oriented correctly.
  7. Connect the guard column outlet to the analytical column inlet.
  8. Rest the end of the guard column outlet on the edge of a waste beaker or other waste outlet.
  9. From the Chromeleon CDS ePanel, turn on the analytical pump and set the eluent flow to the standard rate recommended for the column: 0.25 mL/min for 2 mm.
  10. The backpressure will increase, and eluent will drip from the column into the waste beaker.
  11. Flush the column for 30 minutes, and then turn the analytical pump off on the Chromeleon CDS.
  12. Connect the analytical column outlet to the suppressor ELUENT IN port.
  13. On the Chromeleon CDS ePanel, turn on the analytical pump. Set the eluent flow to the standard rate recommended for the column: 0.25 mL/min for 2 mm.
  14. Flush the column for 30 minutes and then turn off the analytical pump.
  15. Once a steady baseline is reached, begin column injection of standards.
  16. Once reproducible injection times are observed, column equilibration is complete. The following image shows multiple runs of standard overlaid.
  17. Multiple runs of standard overlaid
    Figure Multiple runs of standard overlaid