Always condition a new Dionex EGC for 30 minutes before initial use. For most cartridge types, this requires directing the backpressure coil connected to the cartridge outlet to waste, and then generating 50 mM of eluent at 1.00 mL/min for 30 minutes. For the Dionex EGC 500 K2CO3, generate 9 mM of eluent at 1.00 mL/min for 30 minutes.
- Set a temporary waste container (for example, a beaker) on top of the Dionex Inuvion IC System.
- Connect one end of the backpressure coil to the Dionex EGC OUTLET port. Direct the yellow backpressure coil from the Dionex EGC OUTLET port to the waste container. (This is a temporary connection.)
A minimum of 14 MPa (2000 psi) of backpressure is required.
- On the top of the Dionex EGC, unscrew the vent fitting (on a high-pressure cartridge) or 10-32 fitting plug (on a standard-pressure cartridge). Save the fitting for reuse.
- Connect the vent line to the vent opening.
- From the Chromeleon CDS ePanel, set the flow rate to 1.0 mL/min. Select On to activate the analytical pump.
Figure Flush and condition the Dionex EGC - Set the Dionex EGC concentration to the value required for the cartridge type. For a Dionex EGC 500 K2CO3, set the concentration to 9 mM. For all other cartridge types, set the concentration to 50 mM.
- Flush the Dionex EGC for 30 minutes and then turn off the Dionex EGC and analytical pump.
- Disconnect the backpressure coil from the Dionex EGC OUTLET port.
To ensure proper ventilation, always connect the luer fitting and vent line to the Dionex EGC before operation. If you need to remove the Dionex EGC from the system, reinstall the vent fitting or 10-32 fitting plug to prevent leaks.
- From the Chromeleon CDS ePanel, select these operating conditions:
- Set the analytical pump flow rate to 1.00 mL/min.
- Set the Dionex EGC concentration to 50 mM.
- Verify that the suppressor and Dionex CR-TC are off.
To avoid damaging the suppressor and Dionex CR-TC, always turn them off before conditioning the Dionex EGC. Although the analytical pump flow remains on during the conditioning procedure, no flow will reach either the suppressor or Dionex CR-TC.
- Verify that the eluent bottle is filled with ASTM filtered, Type I (18.2 megohm-cm) deionized water that meets the specifications listed in Deionized water requirements for IC.
- Turn on the analytical pump.
- Run at the selected settings (1.00 mL/min at 50 mM) for 30 minutes.
- Turn off the analytical pump.
- Disconnect the Dionex EGC electrical cable from the EGC connector.
- Remove the temporary backpressure tubing from the waste container and remove the waste container.
- Lift the Dionex EGC out of the holder, turn it over, and set it in the service area.
- Disconnect the backpressure coil from the Dionex EGC OUTLET port.
- Connect the Dionex EGC OUT line from the holder to the Dionex EGC OUTLET port.
- Turn over the Dionex EGC (fittings facing down) and check for bubbles. If necessary, shake and tap the cartridge to remove bubbles.
- Reinstall the Dionex EGC in the holder.
- Reconnect the Dionex EGC electrical cable.
- Reconnect the Dionex CR-TC electrical cable.
The new Dionex EGC is ready for routine operation.