Dionex Inuvion IC System eluent bottles can be pressurized as needed. Pressurized bottles allow eluents to be stored under a specific atmosphere. With the optional digital pressure regulator installed, the eluent bottles can support pressures to <0.07 MPa (10 psi).


Do not directly pressurize an eluent bottle from a gas source. For example, connecting a non-regulated gas flow from an industrial gas cylinder will expose the bottle to several thousand psi of gas. The resulting over-pressure will cause a catastrophic bottle failure resulting in bodily injury to the user.

Note that the digital pressure regulator can be installed during the initial system installation by the Thermo Fisher Scientific service engineers, or by users after the initial setup. Thermo Scientific recommends pressurizing bottles with helium or nitrogen under the following circumstances:

  • When using eluents that are sensitive to contamination.
  • When combining aqueous and nonaqueous components (for example, water and acetonitrile).


Acetonitrile is a flammable, colorless liquid with a sweet odor and taste. Although widely used in chemistry and chromatography, acetonitrile is highly toxic in larger doses and must be handled with caution due to risk of injury or death when ingested, inhaled, or absorbed through skin contact. Exercise special caution when using acetonitrile in pressurized applications such as ion chromatography due to the risk presented by spills, leaks, and potential vapors.