The top covers of the Dionex Inuvion Core IC System and Dionex Inuvion IC System offer the following features. The Dionex Inuvion IC System with RFIC includes all of these, as well as an RFIC stand. Tubing and fittings for plumbing the cartridge, Dionex CR-TC, and degas assembly are included with the holder.

  • Eluent organizer for the eluent generator cartridge and eluent bottles
    • The Dionex EGC is installed in a holder that fits into the rear of the eluent organizer, which is located on top of the system.
    • Up to two 2-L polypropylene bottles (P/N 046548) or one 4-L polypropylene bottle (P/N 039164) and one 2-L polypropylene bottle (P/N 046548) can be installed in the eluent organizer.

      Risk of bottle rupture or leakage: If pressurized bottles are required, use only 2-liter bottles (P/N 046548) with caps.

    • The electrical cable from the Dionex EGC connects to the EGC connector.
    • The Dionex CR-TC connects to the CR-TC/EPM connector via an electrical cable. For applications using the Dionex EGC 500 K2CO3 to make carbonate and bicarbonate eluents, a Dionex Electrolytic pH Modifier (Dionex EPM 500) can be installed in this port instead of a Dionex CR-TC. You can then switch between them as needed.
    • Alternatively, the CR-TC/EPM port can be used to power a Dionex EPM 500. While running RFIC-generated carbonate-based applications, the EPM replaces the Dionex CR-TC and uses the CR-TC/EPM port for its operation.
    • The tubing chase routes tubing from the eluent organizer to the front of the system.
Figure Dionex Inuvion IC System eluent organizer area (with Dionex EGC, Dionex CR-TC, and RFIC eluent degasser installed)
Dionex Inuvion IC System eluent organizer area (with Dionex EGC, Dionex CR-TC, and RFIC eluent degasser installed)